What I love about Vancouver is the rain.
I could list many things that I love about Vancouver: my boyfriend lives there, the ocean, the mountains, Gastown... But, what I love most is the rain. Usually when I say this to a local or anyone who has ever lived there, I am greeted with a snarl and some sort of bitter comment along the lines of "Ya, well wait 'till you don't see the sun for three weeks". Lucky for me, I live in Calgary and have never experienced weeks of gray skies. On my next trip to Vancouver I may be the only person smiling when that first raindrop falls on my skin and I am okay with that.
Alyssa Gamberg currently lives in Calgary, Alberta working as a Graphic Designer for Tandem Marketing Design.
As a transplanted Albertan and now Vancouverite, I appreciate your love of the rain, but wait until you don't see the sun for three weeks!