What I love about Italy is how photogenic she is. There are postcard moments at every turn and I have been fortunate enough to have captured some for myself.
This is my happy place. I was sitting on the ledge of a monastery over looking this spectacular view. The Duomo is the tallest structure in all of Florence and no other building surpasses it. This photo takes my breath away every time I see it.
The streets of Florence have a profound effect on me.
Let me set the mood for you with this one: It had just rained. The sun was setting and the sky was the perfect shade of orange. The street lights were reflecting off the wet cobblestone which made everything glow. Just as I was taking this photo, three priests dressed in black robes walked right past me. I couldn't have asked for a more picturesque moment.
The colosseum in Rome is iconic. The archways are the defining characteristic and peering through them is a treat.

There is no place like Venice. The terra cotta buildings reflect off the water in the canals, clothes hang to dry on window sills and a pop of colour greets you at every unexpected corner.

I fell in love with this street in Venice because of how the buildings lean in on each other and how the pathway narrows. If you had long enough arms you could stand in the middle and touch both buildings at the same time. Better yet, if you lived here and your neighbour wanted to borrow some sugar, you could probably throw it to them from your window to theirs.

portfolio: http://cargocollective.com/farinmanji
twitter: @famanji
email: farinmanji@gmail.com
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